Have you ever felt at times like, metaphorically, the vultures are hovering overhead, just waiting for you to give up and doubt God? I'll have to admit, I have had many moments like that, especially lately! I find myself overwhelmed and worrying about things I know I can't do anything about, yet can't get them out of my head! My hubby and I were out on the la ke this past weekend to have one of the very few fishing outings we may have the opportunity to go on this ye ar, as winter weather th reatens to cut our cool fall days short . We noticed , in particularly the birds on our outing. There were the always identifi able Coot s that migrate here every fall and stay till the lake freezes. These little bla ck -bodie d , white beaked birds feed on the fish in large groupings and are pretty harm less. We noticed that they were splashing around some and couldn't figure out why. The n , we looked up. At first , we only sa w faint images of some birds soaring...