Big Reminder to Myself - Have an Attitude of Gratitude

Well, once again I have(as they say) "fallen off the horse".... I've been wanting to start my gratitude journaling again for a few months, but it has been a bumpy beginning. First, family stuff distracted me. Then, the gross weather drug me down, followed by getting started on spring gardening and cleaning. I know none of these are good excuses, but they are the excuses I have used to keep me from sitting down and sharing what I am grateful for. This is not a new hardship for me...I've tried it before and dropped the ball a number of times. I know...we are all human and we all make mistakes. But this time it has had an obvious affect on my relationships with loved ones. My hubby said just the other day how much he has noticed this and it has definitely not allowed us to be as close as we had been. I know it has affected other relationships, as well. You see, when I don't count my blessings and in the process have an attitude of gratitude, I end up a nega...