
Showing posts from March 29, 2015

Holy Week:

In the days between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, we see the final week of Jesus' life on earth. This week was so important that the Gospel of Mark devotes about 40 percent of its pages to this one week. This was the great climax of our Lord's ministry on earth, when He came to Jerusalem to reveal His most crucial teachings. And at the time of great conflict with Jerusalem's leaders, He was crucified. But on the third day, God raised Him from death. Holy Week begins with Jesus' entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) and ends with Jesus' resurrection (Easter). As you prepare for Easter and observe Holy Week, you can follow along through the week's events in these Scripture readings: Palm Sunday:  A Triumphant Entry-  Mark 11:1–11 On this day, Jesus entered the city “in triumph,” riding a donkey and listening to the cheers of the throngs of the Jews all around Him. His entry is met with the simplest gesture of celebration, gratitude, and welcome from ordin