
Showing posts from February 11, 2014

Above All...Have Fervent Love

As we approach a special day, celebrated every year, dedicated to love....may we all remember how God calls us all to have a "fervent" love for each other!!   WHAT IS "FERVENT LOVE"?   Fervent love is more than a feeling or emotion ; it is an active love that expresses itself in deeds. One of these deeds is forgiveness. As the apostle says, “Love covers a multitude of sins.” If we truly love others, we will be willing to forgive them, no matter what they might do to us.   Fervent love must be expressed with a pure heart.   This is not a selfish love, a conditional love, or a manipulative love.  It is not loving in order be loved.  It is not giving in order to get.  It is with a pure heart, a heart that only desire the best for the other person, a heart that is not motivated by selfish gain or personal ambition. By showing hospitality without grumbling we show love fervently. Peter realized that we are still weak ...