How to Unbiasedly Defend Your Faith
Today's post is a difficult one for me. My hubby and I visited our son for his birthday last week. We had some time and the opportunity to discuss some of the things he's experienced with his f riends in this big college town . Some of what we heard was quite dishearte ning. Now, I realize that often college students question th eir bel iefs and are tryi ng to sort out who God is . But , I am amazed at how blinded young people today are. Our son says he is a Christian, but he also questions a lot of things about Christian ity that seem so clear to us, his parents (and most Christians led by the Holy Spirit) . I think he questions the obvious be cause of the great influence of his unbelieving friends . This makes my heart cry out, for I know defending our fait h is NOT an easy thing to do in this day and age. It seems like p eop le are getting more intellectual, are deeper thinkers, and have become bett er at knowing how to try to def end their own belief systems , while tryi...