
Showing posts from March 19, 2012

The Bone Deep, Transforming Word of God

I've been taking part in a women's Bible study at my church on the book of James....a Beth Moore study, too boot!! Some of her writing in our study book just touches my a similar way to how Ann Voskcamp's writing does. I would just like to share some of what she wrote for this week's assigned reading....on the power of the written Word of God.                                                                              Source: via Ann on Pinterest "Squeeze in the palm of your hand the verses we're studying today, Sister, because they are the keys to flourishing, bone-deep transformation, and divine blessing. What James will teach us is the difference between talking about living in victory over things, like self-centeredness, addiction, seduction, and temptation and actually doing it ." "The Word of God is meant to do more than penetrate. It's meant to activate. It can bore holes through obstacles. It