Do You Pray With Your Spouse?
“Couples who pray together, stay together” Study after study has shown that the old adage is true. Couples that pray together daily have a significantly lower divorce rate. But, at least for me and my husband, this has been one of the most difficult things to do on a regular , daily basis. I realize that much of this is due to our individual upbringings. My husband was raised in a very dysfunctional and less than Sp irit -filled home. I very much doubt that there was ever family prayer, let alone, his parents praying together. Th e fact that he is willing to pray with me is a blessing ! I grew up in a very structured Christian home. M y mom was the sp iritual leader, but I always felt that she longed for my father to ta ke that role. He never did. Throughout our 2 6 years of marriage, I have attempted to start both family and couples prayer time at home. Usually it starts out awkwardly. Eventually, we just pray less and less together, till we comp...