When You Finally Feel Understood.
Wow ! Is i t really T uesday, already? The last week seems like just a blurr to me ! Ever have weeks like that? I'm so thankful that we at least have been having some warmer (though windy ) weather the past several days, plus some rain here and there ! It's been a week o f long work hours, emotional ups and downs, extra time with friends , and shopping for a long- aw aited new camera . It's als o been a week of f eeling frustrated. Have you ever tried to tell someone how you were feeling and didn't really fe el like your were be in g heard or understood? I am so grateful to have Christian friends who are great listeners and know me well enough to give me support, helpful criticism , and yet let me feel understood. I also felt encouraged by our pasto r, who gave a sermon on Sunday on the very subject that I was struggling with . God's timing is amazing ! It's not easy to trust God's timing, though. I know my first reaction to not feel...