Blazing Hearts On Fire (Pt.2)
Already, this year, I have learned so much about what it means to be "fervent" for the Lo rd. O ther words that are used in S cripture to describ e this trait are "blaz ing " or "on fire". "I have come to set the world on fire, and I wish it were already burning! " Luke 12:49 What does f ire represent in the Bible ? It can represent the presence of God -- think pillar fire in Exodus (13:17-22) and the tongues of flame at Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4). It can also represent eschatological judgment -- in Revelation, Satan and his army are consumed by fire (20:7-10). Fire also represents purification -- Zachariah (13:9) and Malachi (3:2-3) each refer to God's intention to purify Israel like a refiner purifies silver by fire. source When someone is "on fire", they can't sit still. They are in love with Jesus and they cannot keep this love to themselves . They are unselfish people. They love Jesu...