"Surely, He was the Son of God!"
I cannot fathom all that Jesus suffered on the day of His death. Physically, emotionally, spiritually After the crowd shouted "Crucify Him!" Jesus is flogged and handed over. Jesus is stripped. Jesus is dressed up and mocked. Jesus has a crown of thorns pressed into His head. Jesus is spat upon. Jesus is beaten, over and over again. Simon of Cyrene is commissioned to help carry the cross. They are led out to Golgotha. Jesus is given wine and gall to drink Jesus is nailed to the cross…. Jesus’ possessions are divided between the soldiers who gamble for them. Jesus has the name “King of the Jews” placed above His head. Jesus has robbers either side of Him, also being crucified. Jesus is insulted by passers-by “Come down from the cross if you are the Son of God!” Jesus is insulted by the Chief Priests and elders, “He’s the King of Israel! Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him…” Jesus is insulted by the robbers too. Insult after injury...