
Showing posts from October 9, 2013

Another Week Almost Gone!

Another week is just speeding by! Here , it's almost Thursday and I have been trying to write a new post since Monday. Between w orking extra hours at my job and attending the grandkid s' volleyball gam e s and entertaining unexpected guests, it has definitely been a wild ride!! I still have several p ictures I've been wanting to share here . Ones that I too k a few weeks a go, while I was able to go out in the boat , fishing with my hubby. I haven't taken the time to add to my gratitude list either....which isn't a good thing. This is the second week in a row! Last week, I had the time, but my mind was backed up with so many swirling thoughts , I just couldn't write. I wanted to just take a break and get away. So , I did for a few days.... maybe not away from home, but away from the daily grind . I kn ew this week was going to be a strenuous one, so I laid low . I looked back at some of my pictures from my camera and the pea ce I felt on the day I took t...