
Showing posts from March 16, 2013

20 Years of Loud; A Week of Quiet

It's so easy to get used to a routine, isn't it? Even though we say we like some variety in  life, we also love the comfort and security of the familiar.    No surprises or setbacks with the familiar. (Well, usually.) For 20 years , it was the three of us. For 20 years, peace and quiet was a commodity, and privacy was non-existent . From day one ~ there was crying and cooing... laughing and singing... c artoons bla ring and  phones ringing ... family scrambling and sometimes, yelling... guitars grinding and drums t humping (band practice at our house was a week ly event) ... car engines revving and many, many, many late nights, waiting up ...   ...but it's been a week of qui et...well, mostly .  My son moved out last Saturday (a four hour drive away ).  On Thursday he came back to town to pick up a friend and st opped in to pick up a few more things he forgot to ta ke with him when he moved out. Of course, he stopped in at mi...