Do Not Be Foolish
Today is April 1st (April Fools Day) My hubby, the jokester, called me from work and told me about his "crazy" morning . We have had an unwe lc ome visitor (a muskrat) on our propertylately, so his story caught m y attention . He said he was in the yard early this morning and got chased by the muskrat His story was so dramatic -sounding and he had my full attention . After going on for about 2 minutes, he chuckled and said, "April Fools!" Yeah, he got me good. I had believed him, hook, line, and sin ker! Lately, I've been reading through the book of Pro verbs. There are numerous admonitions o n wi sdom in this bo ok. O ver and over again, King Solom on warns us to be wise. In the first 5 verses , it says: "The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel: for gaining wisdom and instruction; for understanding words of insight; 3 for receiving instruction in prudent behavior, ...