
Showing posts from July 1, 2013

God's Amazing Grace

  In church on Sunday, we sang Chris Tomlin's version of "Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone." But we sang the original lyrics, which I didn't realize he had changed in his version of the song.  Of course the first few verses most of us know: Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found. Was blind, but now, I see. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear And grace my fears relieved How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed   Then the original lyrics are: Through many dangers, toils, and snares I have already come 'Tis grace that brought me safe thus far And grace will lead me home (I love this!! There have been many dangers in my life and especially in my son's life this past week. Someone had broken into his apartment and stole some of his roommates things. Nothing of his was taken and he was not at home. He also had a couple of accidents, one at work and one at home, that ...