
Showing posts from November 14, 2019

I've Been In An Endurance Race

Yep! You read the blog title right...I've been in a race!!(Not literally, but  figuratively  and  spiritually.) I've been quiet here on my blog for quite awhile, but for good reason. It's taken lots of stamina, time, and patience for me to take each step over the past 11 months!!(Just as a reminder: I had shared back in January of this year that  My Word for 2019: was ENDURE  ) And my endurance continues to be vital, as I continue to run this race with love and commitment in the upcoming year!! Endurance implies that whatever  is happening is going to take a long time."  Well, it definitely has been and is what I have experienced in the past year. "To endure is more than just continuing to exist; it is continuing to exist in the same manner as before the suffering began.  To “endure” does not mean simply to grin and bear it. Christians will feel sad, betrayed, or even angry at times. These emotions in and of themselves are not bad; they onl...