
Showing posts from February 21, 2014

New Weekly Post - "Honey for the Heart"

I have felt a tug lately to share a weekly post that encourages you, my readers to Trust in God , praise God for H is love , r ejoice in God as Jehovah, learn about His mercy, and seek God's forgiveness , when we have sinned. As you'll discover, a ll these can be f ound i n one particu lar Old Testament book..... The Book of Psalms actually means "Book of Praises" in Hebrew.  It is a book of the Bible, where we not only learn all about God’s character, but also where we can explore all the parts of our lives and  say who we are and what is in us—guilt, anger, salvation, praise—to the God who loves, judges and saves us in Jesus Christ. Calvin called them "an anatomy of all the parts of the soul." Everything that anyone can feel or experience in relation to God is in these prayers. As I share different verses from the Psalms every week, remember that the Psalms are to be read with your heart, as well as your head. Truth about God, ourselves, a...