
Showing posts from March 5, 2013

Ten Ways to Love: #9 & 10: Forgive and Promise

This is the f ifth post in a series I'm writing, called Ten Ways to Love . To read the other parts of the series go HERE.  He re we are, on the last two ways to love others .  I haven't posted in several days because , as it has been much of the time, it is quite busy around here. (So forgive me, as this will be a bit of  a longer post. ) We had been pr eparing for several weeks to help our 20 y ear -old son m ove out on his own to a town 4 hours away from ours. It's not been easy . This isn 't only because of the long dr ive down or the process of house and job hunting . There's much mor e at stake her e.  Our son is a decent and caring young man. That is how we raised him. But , as all of us have in our lives, he's made many unwise choices alread y . Some are due to inexperience in life, while others are because of selfish ness and the many temptations of this life that we are all bombarded with. It tru ly is a big, mean world out there! Some of...