God's Promises - Let Hope Rise
As Christians, our lives are built around promise... promise of: - salvation - eternal life - heaven - forgiveness and the list goes on... In everything, I have learned that - Our God of Promise "For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises , so that by them you may become partakers of the D ivine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world ..." 2 Peter 1:4 What is Divine Promise ? An assurance given by God that He will or will not perform a certain act. God has made 2 kinds of promises: 1 . Conditional (when He's willing to do something under certain circumstances - Romans 10:9-10) and 2. Unconditional. (Genesis 12:1- there many unconditional promises in the Bible) God’s Precious Promises How wonderful it is that in these unsettled times we have a promise that is far mor...