
Showing posts from April 15, 2013

Endurance in Pain and Suffering

The past few days have me once again writhi ng in  pain...not continuou s ly, but off and on. Enough , though, to keep me crunched down on the couch , not wanting to be productive in any way.  I have suffered these painful days eac h month for many, many years, now. I'm used to them...almost am sure they will always be a part of my life, even though I am guaranteed that this phase of my life will soo n p ass. Many wom en can relate to the suffering I speak a bout. I have been to numerous doc tors and none have been able to fully help me. There are some days I wonder what it is all about...          Why me?                    How much more will I have to endure?                                                         What am I to learn from this?  ...