
Showing posts from September 9, 2013

The Joy of the Lord

Another lov ely week has flown by .  Oh, how I absolutely love summer!  And yet, I know all too soon, that the beaut iful colors and smells of autumn will be he re.     So, I try to soak up every last minute of this season ! And I try to find joy in the little things, as well as the big .   And give thanks , once again for so many wonderful gifts that God chooses to bring into my life!  Linking over at  " Multitude on Mondays ". 1,466 - Finding peace over a decision I made to NOT take a position that was offered to me at my work. 1, 467 - Visiting a historical nature site near our home. 1,468 - Watching complete strangers getting married in the public gardens that we were visiting. 1,46 9 - Thinking about how far my hubby and I have come over the p ast several months in o ur relationship... 1 ,4 70 - One of th e bes t things that has happened is having a regular prayer time together, that has con tinu ed !! 1,471 ...