
Showing posts from March 15, 2015

John 3:16 - The Story of Love

Deep down in each of us, we all have a need to be loved by someone. Often when human love fails us, we accept the idea that God’s love is no different than this human love and that He will fail us too. Here's the problem, humans cannot possibly reflect a perfect idea of what true love is. In order to recognize and understand God's unfailing love, you and I will have to set aside our experiences and personal views . This video is a bit   long,   but so worth watching!  It is just a small example of the love Jesus and His Father have for each one of us!! He died... let this story sink in for a moment. You and I heard the story of "Jesus dying on the cross" to the point where we have  often lost sight of what it really means. Until we realize God's   love, we   will never be able to handle earthly relationships God's way. God loves you… The biblical account of His death on the cross wasn't a fairytale experience, it was a ...