Third Time's the Charm?
This is going to be a shorter that usual post, as I wanted to share my list of gifts that God has given me this week. Believe it or not, for the third time, we are in the process of getting ready to move. Home inspections are scheduled, financial preparations made, and once again my life seems to be in an upheaval. We are also celebrating July 4th with out-of-town family for the next few days. Please keep us in your prayers that this time all will run smoothly and we will be moving into our lake cottage very soon!! Our realtor is saying, "Third times the charm!" but God's timing isn't dependent on anything, including a 'charm'! Continuing my Joy Dare (June/July) (I had a full week, with family gatherings and a 2-day Christian music festival to attend this weekend = Friend Fest in Nappanee, IN) 3 gifts framed by a frame (June 27) (We got a little silly before the bands started playing at the festival) 830. Disgruntled look ...