Third Time's the Charm?

This is going to be a shorter that usual post, as I wanted to share my list of gifts that God has given me this week. Believe it or not, for the third time, we are in the process of getting ready to move.  Home inspections are scheduled, financial preparations made, and once again my life seems to be in an upheaval. We are also celebrating July 4th with out-of-town family for the next few days. Please keep us in your prayers that this time all will run smoothly and we will be moving into our lake cottage very soon!! Our realtor is saying, "Third times the charm!" but God's timing isn't dependent on anything, including a 'charm'!

Continuing my Joy Dare (June/July)
(I had a full week, with family gatherings and a 2-day Christian music festival to attend this weekend = Friend Fest in Nappanee, IN)

3 gifts framed by a frame (June 27)
(We got a little silly before the bands started playing at the festival)
 830. Disgruntled look                    831. Shocked and sad faces
832. Happy and excited to hear lots of Christian music!
A gift small, big, just right (June 29)
833. small - watching Mandisa perform - everyone looked so small from far away!

834. BIG - The big screen that made performers look so much closer!!(Tenth Avenue North)

835. Just right - The number of people that got saved the last evening of the festival (over 400!!)

3 gifts you gave  (June 30)
836. A prayer and my sympathy for a family member and her husband, who miscarried her 9 week baby today.
837. My time, sharing God's love and leading young hearts to serve Him in Children's Church.
838.  Paying for a meal for extended family, gathered together in fun and fellowship.

3 gifts loved (July 1)
839. my 2 Chihuahuas, who love to play fetch with their stuffed toys!
840. My hubby, who takes good care of me and our family.
841. My son, who helped me clean the house up today!!

3 gifts read (July 2)
842. "Each new day gives us new reasons to praise the Lord." Bill Crowder
843. This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. —Psalm 118:24
844. Moses was led to write, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (90:12). Every new day is a precious gift. May we thankfully embrace each one with confident trust and humble celebration.

Have a safe, blessed, and patriotic
Independence Day!!!

Linking over at these blog parties:


  1. What a great list! Good luck with the move!

  2. I pray your house deal goes through and your transition is smooth. My husband and I spent almost 3 years in a lake cottage in Seattle a few years ago. It was a daily delight to our souls.


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