The Love Chronicles: Grandfather's Love letters

With February being the month that contains Valentine's Day(and  being that I just recently celebrated my wedding anniversary) I have been thinking a lot about relationships and God's love for each of us. 
As I began looking through some old photos and albums, I realized that my parents and their parents left me so many wonderful examples of what love truly is. In the next 3 posts, I want to share my family heirloom of love…called 
“The Love Chronicles”.

A few years ago, I was given a box, full of letters that my grandfather and grandmother wrote, during their courtship. I decided to keep the memory of their love story by putting their letters, that tell this story, in a book. I hope you enjoy reading a few excerpts from the book below….

Below is a Valentine’s Day postcard, from my grandmother to grandfather. Also enclosed was a letter, written in French.
 Bien, cheri (Well, darling)...I could not interpret most of this letter. Any French majors out there who can tell me anymore?

The letter below, shown on the original letterhead, was written by my grandfather to my grandmother. He traveled quite a lot, especially to his homeland of Michaudville, in Quebec, Canada. He often traveled by train by land and ship through the Great Lakes. 

 For a period before finally marrying my grandmother, grandfather lived in Fort Wayne, Indiana and in Canada. Below are a few samples of the letters shared between them. My grandmother’s letters are typed  in red. 
Even during their time of engagement, my grandparents related to each other as “wife” and ”hubby”. It's obvious in the letters below that my grandfather was a hopeless romantic. His words could make any woman swoon! (A true Frenchman!)

 This is a photo of my grandparents, later in life. They were married for almost 51 years, till my grandfather passed away in 1972.

What a great inheritance of love that my grandparents shared and now I can look back on that love language through their letters. Of course, I realize that love is not the same as romance…but it definitely helps to have the ability to write with a deep conviction and  share what the heart knows and experiences.
To read the rest of my series of
The Love Chronicles
To read part 2 click HERE
And part 3, click HERE

Have a blessed week!!

Linking up at these blog hops:


  1. What a precious treasure that book is! Happy Anniversary to you. We celebrate ours on Valentine's Day : )

    1. It is a real blessing to have it to read through, every now and again! Happy Valentine's Day anniversary to you, too! Definitely an easy date to remember!! ;)

  2. What a treasure! Happy Anniversary & Happy Valentine's Day :) Thanks for sharing your legacy with us & for visiting me at Doorkeeper. Blessings!

  3. What a beautiful blessing to have these! Thank you for sharing them with us.
    Visiting from Beauty in His Grip and so grateful that I did.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

    1. Awww, thanks, Linda! I'm really glad you visited my blog, too! May you have a blessed week, sister!

  4. I love this legacy that you shared here on your page. I am blessed by similar photos and letters also from my family and will have to spend time to sort and put it all together. Blessed you linked with The Weekend Brew.

    1. Family photos and writing leave such a wonderful history for us! It truly is a blessing to have these items!

  5. How precious! What a wonderful inheritance.

  6. I really do feel caught up in their love! These memories are beautiful and you documented it so well!
    Happy Anniversary and I hope you have a nice Valentine's Day.

    1. Thanks! It was a lot of work to put it all together, but I now can enjoy looking back whenever I want to.

  7. What a delightful thing to do to compile all the letters between your grandparents. They were so in love that they realized that in their hearts they were already husband and wife. The letters are sweet and a wonderful tribute them both. I enjoyed the envelopes you pictured for us. Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell me a story.

    1. Thanks, Hazel! I loved the old paper and envelopes, too! They add to the authenticity of the times they were living in.

  8. Oh what a gift and a rich heritage, indeed! I am sure that was a labor of love to put together and future generations will thank you!

  9. Ann...What a sweet legacy they left behind. And you have given it much love in your book. I loved reading their letters and getting to "know" them. So glad you shared at Monday's Musings.


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