
Showing posts from September 24, 2013

Bittersweet Days- Goodbye Summer. Hello Fall.

Been feeling quite melancholy for the past wee k. Not sure why...except maybe the change in our weather. It's definitely taken a nosedive lately. ..   O r maybe it 's just that I've noticed more lately how much of a ho ld Sata n has on so man y people in the world I'm usually a more positive person, so I am shocked at the thought that tha t w ould be som e thing that is oppressing me.    So, first thing today, I dove back into God 's Word and pr ayed for encouragement. So, I continue to give thanks... Linking over at  " Multitude on Mondays ". 1,493 - For emotional dryness, as it leads me bac k to God! 1,494 - A heart that aches for the unsa ved . 1, 495 - B eautiful Autumn sunsets 1, 49 6 - The air i s much cooler outside, but the sun is shining today!! 1, 49 7- The re fle ction of sunlight on my livingroom wall, as I read Scripture and am enc ouraged. 1, 49 8 - God's amazing cr eatures that walk, crawl, and s...