Waterfall, Raining Down On Me

HELLO BLOGGYLAND FRIENDS!! Yes, I'm back! And, as you may have noticed, there are many changes to my blog. I had a nice break from blogging, though there were some difficult and draining times for me, as well. I will be explaining about those times over the next few posts. But, for now, I want to share some things that the Lord has been speaking to my heart about, concerning my theme for this blog. When I started blogging, back in 2011, I wanted this to be a place I could share the joys and blessings that God has endowed in my life. I also wanted to make new friends through sharing and interacting with other bloggers. Everything I started out wanting this blog to be about occurred and my heart(I hope yours, as well) has been blessed seven-fold because of it! During my break from blogging, I had time to contemplate where God wants me to go from here. Because of some recent events/changes in my life, I feel like God is prompting me to also change the p...