
Showing posts from March 20, 2014


I decided to take a break from my posts on being "Fervent" and share some things that have been heavy on my heart lately. Mostly, I've been struggling with how much the world (and especially the United States ) has not only become greatly secularized, but is often working overtime to tear down and degrade th ose who are claiming and living out their Christian bel iefs. Not only that, but I'm seeing how our own schools (funded by the state) and government (funded also by the citizens) are now trying to make it illeg al for Christians to express/ live out their Christian co nvictions. What we used to be able to do freely, without fe ar of being sued, reprimanded , and threatened has become a concern in many schools, businesses , and daily lives. There is a new movie , recently mad e by " Pure F lix " that w ill be opening in many theaters around the nation on Friday, March 2 1st. Here is a review by the Dove (award) Foundation : "This ...