
Showing posts from April 27, 2015

A Simplified Life

What does it mean to simplify your life?  A lot of people ask this question. A lot of people ponder it. Some even live by a standard or code of living, because of it. I'll be honest. I've not found one answer to this question that I am 100% comfortable with. Maybe that is because life isn't and shouldn't ever really be simple or easy. We will always have trials and stress, no matter what road we take in life. Life is full of complicated events. But, there are many people who have given their take on what it means and have written about it. Some of the things they have written have, in my opinion, been hogwash. But, some writings have really gotten my attention. I'm not saying I agree with everything that these people wrote, but they have brought up some great points to consider in this life. Here are a few blogs/articles and a short review of what each wrote about. Some of them may make you chuckle in disbelief and ask yourself, "Do people really fa...