
Showing posts from February 24, 2014

Ardent for the Lord!

I've ne ver read the book, but the first time I watched the movie "Pride and Prejudice ", I fell in love with it! There were many aspects of th e movie that I love d, but the mos t outsp oken theme throughout was the great emotional conflict and passion between the the characters. I think of the part of the movie where Mr. Darcy finally can't hold it back any longer . After p ursuing her thr oughout the movie, h e tells Lizzy how he feels about her , no matter what his family or friends said, no matter what society told him, and even when she turned him down at first, ..but he didn't care. I like this brief summary of his ardent devotion . ( I only ask for you to watch the first 50 seconds, esp ecially if you've not seen it and don't want to spoil knowing the storyline ..but if you're like me, you most likely will watch the whole scene.) I think of my relationship with Jesus, my L ord and Savior! Oh, that I would hold nothing back, but ...