
Showing posts from February 15, 2015

The Love Chronicles: My Story

We each have a story... I actually feel like I have a number of stories... let me explain.  Everyone's story reveals not only where they have gone in his/her life, but defines much of who they are today. I believe that my "first" love story actually began before I got saved, but is one that continues on, even today. My "second" love story came later in life and it also continues to this day. Both are extremely important stories to me. I think it's important for each person to know their story and tell it, if only to one person.  I love how this video, made by Chic-fil-A, depicts this. So, I'm sharing those stories here, with you, today. This is part 3 of my series, called “The Love Chronicles”.   To read Part 1, go HERE  and part 2, go HERE My life(love)story - how I met Jesus  As I shared in my last post, I was blessed to have been raised in a loving, Christian home. So, I had a great start in being introduced to who Jesus(...