The Love Chronicles: My Story

We each have a story...
I actually feel like I have a number of stories...
let me explain.
 Everyone's story reveals not only where they have gone in his/her life, but defines much of who they are today. I believe that my "first" love story actually began before I got saved, but is one that continues on, even today. My "second" love story came later in life and it also continues to this day. Both are extremely important stories to me.
I think it's important for each person to know their story and tell it, if only to one person. 
I love how this video, made by Chic-fil-A, depicts this.

So, I'm sharing those stories here, with you, today.
This is part 3 of my series, called

“The Love Chronicles”.  

My life(love)story - how I met Jesus
 As I shared in my last post, I was blessed to have been raised in a loving, Christian home. So, I had a great start in being introduced to who Jesus(my Savior) and God(the Father) are. I was a very shy and sensitive child. So, in one sense, I was very  receptive to hearing about Jesus, yet in another sense, fearful and unsure about who I was. A few events in my life played a major role in this. The first of these was when I was about 5 years old. I was just starting kindergarten, when I had to have major surgery. I had, from birth, a kidney malformation, which caused some issues, which required the removal of half of one of my kidneys. I was hospitalized for about 2 weeks and have some pretty clear and vivid memories of that experience. The surgery was successful, but emotionally, it put me in a place of fear and loss of confidence.
The second event that had a great influence on me was going into middle school. Being so shy, I made literally no friends. Of course, there were classmates and kids I talked to on the bus, but I truly had no friends to invite to my house or hang out with. I remember being very emotional at this time of my life...cried at the drop of a hat. (That may have been the reason I had no friends.) It was probably the hardest time in my life. It was also the time when all those wonderful changes and hormones were going crazy, so I was also overwhelmed and confused by those changes, too.(It didn't help that my parents, who were busy with two careers and two teenage boys to keep an eye on, never gave me 'the talk' or really let me feel comfortable to share with them what I was going through) 
Then, the summer between my freshman and sophomore year came, and it was a big one for me. I actually was approached by a new girl in my class(who was a friend of an old friend I knew from elementary school). She actually wanted to get to know me and hang out with me. It was a shock for me, but she pulled me out of my deep shyness. We spent a lot of time together that summer. I also got my first real job that summer, babysitting 2 young children, full-time. Before then, I really hadn't spent a lot of time reading the Bible or seeking God. But, one afternoon, while the kids were taking their naps, I opened up the Bible (out of pure boredom) and something I read must have touched my heart deeply. I don't even remember what verse it was, but I knew I had to turn my life over to Jesus. I remember praying for Him to come into my heart and life at the kitchen table of that house, where I was babysitting. 
Things really started happening, after that. Our family changed home churches and our new church's youth group were going on a huge week-long biking trip through Virginia and Shenandoah National Park. We road our bikes together(about 25-30 teens) through the mountains, ate camp food from a trailer that followed us, and slept in churches and Christian school buildings. It was awesome!! I think I bonded with other believers and gained some self-confidence that summer, too! In the fall of my sophomore year, I was baptized and felt the Holy Spirit fill my life. I slowly began coming out of my shell. 
High school was a great time, for me. I enjoyed good friendships and even though I was shy around the guys, through my friends, I was asked to the prom 3 years in a row. I never dated, though until I was a freshman in college. 
I chose a Christian college that was out of town, but close enough that I could go home to visit, if I got too homesick, which I did on a few occasions. During my college years, I would have to say my relationship with the Lord really ebbed and flowed, as well as did my dating life. I made some really unwise decisions in who I dated, mostly due to my low self-image at that time. I felt like if I wasn't dating someone, then something was wrong with me. So, my choice of suitors was not too strict. As long as they professed their belief in God, it didn't matter to me what they did or how they treated me. During that time, I did find myself seeking God, through a committed prayer life and some Bible classes that really made me think.
Then, after graduating college, I decided to sign up for a short-term(1 year) missions assignment in Ohio. I worked as a teachers aide with deaf and hearing-impaired children in the public school system. It was a challenging experience, mostly due to living in a group home experience with 4 other short-term missionaries. We all had come from very different backgrounds and had completely polar-opposite personalities, and the adjustment was not easy. But, again, God used that experience to grow me in my faith. 
After that, I began gaining deeper walks in my faith, as I took different positions in the a therapist, counselor, mentor, and administrator, all that pointed towards a walk of serving and loving others in Christ. Some of those positions again, were extremely challenging, especially emotionally, as I would step down from one job, only to be offered another. Yes, God always opens a window, whenever He closes a door. 
And my faith has grown so much over the years. I feel like my relationship with my Savior is secure, even though I still may waver in the strength of my faith, He is always there to pick me back up and I can count on that. I feel blessed beyond my imagination! No matter what may come into my life, He is always with me! 
He will carry me through till the end of my story! And I know that once my story ends, I will be with Him in Heaven forever!! 
What better ending to any story could I ever have?

My Other Stories 
To read all the different stories of my Love Chronicles, go HERE

I hope this inspires you to also share YOUR story. If you have shared or decide to share it on your own blog, please let me know in the comments section. I would love to read it!! Thanks again for stopping by!! Have a blessed week ahead!!

Linking up at these blog hops:


  1. Sharing our stories is so important, Ann. Thank you for sharing some of yours! Just this morning at church, one of our pastors shared part of his recent testimony...he was very transparent and open about something he had been going through. It was encouraging as he focused on how God was working through the situation. I think that as Christians, we tend to keep much of our stories quiet as we are afraid to be real with people. But, when we are real, I think others relax and are encouraged, you know? Thanks for your openness!

    Blessings, Joan

    1. I agree, Joan! God has placed everything in our lives to share and encourage others writh...whether it's through difficult circumstances or a life blessed by good experiences. These stories help others truly know and feel the grace and love of God. Thanks for stopping by and reading my story, sister!

  2. I believe that sharing our stories is one of the ways God can use us most in His kingdom. We are studying 1 Peter right now and today we talked about always being ready to give a reason for the hope that is in us. Thank you for doing that here for us. Blessings to you and yours.

    ~Heather @ My Overflowing Cup

    1. Yes, I believe that's true. If all believers realized this truth, then think of all the wonderful witnessing that could take place! May you have a blessed and joy-filled week, Heather!

  3. I too believe we all have a special story to tell, Ann! I look forward to learning yours! Blessings!

    1. Hope you enjoy and encouraged by my story, Carrie! Thanks for stopping by.

  4. I like testimonies and the way Jesus transforms our lives. Thanks for sharing yours!

    1. It is a wonderful way He works in each of our lives! Glad you stopped by!

  5. It is amazing how a person can be born again just by reading the Bible while on a Baby sitting job. I love how God works everything out in our lives even bringing us a mate through his guidance and care ( I had to read part 3). Thank you for sharing with us at Tell me a True Story.

    1. I never thought 'my story' was all that interesting or unique at first. But after writing it out, I'm realizing how special God used even the most simple situations to draw me closer to Him!! So glad you enjoyed reading both of my stories!

  6. What an awesome testimony! Praise God for His saving grace! Linked up with you at Mama Moments -- hope you'll visit me at Saved by Grace!
    God bless,

    1. God is so good! I am in awe of His love and grace! I stopped over at your blog, Laurie, and love the subject of your post!! (titled, Do You Want God's Best?)

  7. I LOVED reading your story. I can identify with the horrible middle school years. I just really love how you showed God meeting you in every step. Joy!

  8. Linking up beside you at Coffee for your heart.
    I loved hearing your testimony! Where in Ohio did you do your missions trip?
    I'm from the buckeye state as well.

    1. Hi, Krista! I lived in Orrville, OH.(just outside of Wooster), but I worked in the Smithville Schools. I also lived for a short time in Millersburg, OH. It has a large Amish and Mennonite community, which was the denomination I grew up in and they were who supported the missions. Ohio is a great state!! Thanks for stopping by.


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