Even If. . .
“When life is good, enjoy it. But when life is hard, remember; God gives good times, and hard times and no one knows what tomorrow will bring.” Ecclesiastes 7:14 Several weeks ago, I wrote about a book I 've been stu dying for my ladies Bible s t udy group c alled "Cultivating Conte ntment" ( H ere ). The most recent chapter we've been studying is on being content, "e ven if" tria ls and hardships come into our lives . I think for most of us, that is somet hing we struggle with, no matt er how strong our faith is. To find joy and conten tment while in pain and suffering is just not a natural response. Our natural tendency is to be angry, resentful, even depressed. But, not only does God call us to be cont ent, but He also instructs us to con sider it "pure joy" in James 1:2! " Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,whenever you face trials of many kinds," Umm, o.k., you may be asking(like I did), "Did...