Lent:The Meaning of Sacrifice

What is the meaning of sacrifice? The Merriam -Webster Dictionary has many definitions, one being "The act of giving up something that you want to keep especially in order to get or do something else or to help someone." Examples of SACRIFICE The war required everyone to make sacrifices . No sacrifice is too great when it comes to her children. He made many personal sacrifices to provide help to the city's homeless people. The runner went to second base on a sacrifice . Observing Lent for many believers, means giving up, or sacrificing, something they enjoy or love for a period of time. I had never tried this tradition before and this year I felt compelled to see how it may help me grow in my understanding of the Easter story and in my relationship with the Lord. Well, I had no idea what lie ahead for me, as I began this journey, a little less than 2 weeks ago. What I gave up - Being my first experience with th...