I'm a Liebster Nominee!
I found out the other day that my awesome bloggy friend, Joan Davis, over at The Beauty In His Grip , nominated me for the Liebester Bl og Award! Now, to my knowledge, there's no trophy or monetary payment for this award. I t's more of a recognition f rom a blogger who has been encouraged by another Christian bl ogger. (Personally, having someone recognize my blog as being encouraging is better, anyways! Thanks again, Joan, for nominating me!! :)) I was nominated, along with 4 other bloggers, who, if they chose to, they could do the same. Not only do the n ominees get to choose 5 of their favo rite blogs, but they get to answer 11 questions , presented by the nominating blogger. This is a great way for fellow Christian bloggers to get to know and encourage each other. So, with out further ado... First, I'll be answering the questions that Joan presented to me. Here are the questions: 1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why...