
Showing posts from April 20, 2012

Random Journal Day: Worry

This is my first post, sharing from my journals, so please be patient with me, as I try to share some pretty personal stuff from my heart. ( Linking up at " Beneath The Surface: Breath of Faith: Random Journal Day Link Up 4") This entry was written a little over a year ago. I was very stressed at that time. My son, who had been into some pretty deep trouble , was graduating from high school in a few months. Believe it or not, this entry was a little on the lighter side. As you will eventually find out, my writings can often get quite dramatic and colorful. Hey, it's where I let it all hang out! But for today, I'm starting out with a short one. -------------------------------------------------------------  Tuesday, April 12, 2011 O.k., I'm going to throw out to God a flag that asks the question ~ Why is it so difficult to not worry about stuff in my life ~ about Tyler, about our future, about money, about political and natural events that are going to ha...