
Showing posts from July 8, 2013

The Blessing(and Heartache) of a Family

 "A family is like an oak tree. A few blows wouldn't bring the tree crashing down. But it would require a lot of healing and love to ensure stability." (Source) It's interesting how family members respond and react to each other , sometimes even sad or frustrating. We had our ups and downs through out her younger years, but I had always hoped that, as the only daughter I'd ever have, she and I would eventually become close. It didn't happen. With the entering of a half-brother and later the sudden passing of her full - b rother, the bon d ing didn't occur ... with either her father , nor her stepmother...myself. She grew up, married, started a family, and had her own l i fe...a busy life.  I ached for a close relationship, b ut the more I strove to bring us closer together, the futher she pushed me away. Every now an d then, she reappe ared and would spend an hour, maybe even the day, wit h us. Then, we did n 't see her or her beloved f...