In the Face of Tragedy

This past weekend our little town of Warsaw, IN had a terrible hit....we lost 4 very well-known and loved men. *All four men were active in my home church ( Warsaw Community Church ) See article I think I may be in the wrong profession. (In fact, I'm currently waiting to step down from my current job, due to some of the requirements that have been added to what I already do...I know, some would say I'm right where He wants me. Well, I'm not totally convinced of that quite yet.) Yet... I t seems like over and over again, God places me in positions that involve caring, encouraging, and comforting those who have gone or are going through some kind of tragedy. This kind of "helping" has continually been difficult for me, mostly due to the fact that there has been so much death and tragedy throughout my own life (some, I probably haven't fully dealt with.). The pain I still often feel comes swelling back into my emotions, when I am faced with a simi...