My Conversion Story
This week, I have been thinking a bout the approaching Thanksgiving season. This is a time when most of u s think more deeply about what we are thank ful for in our lives. Since I've been listing my gifts from God every week for the past 2 years(last Friday wa s my blog i versary), this is nothing new for me . So, I decided t o reminisce about some things I have been the most thankfu l for over the years and also share one of the things I'm most grateful salvation. A song I recently heard by Chris Tomlin especially brings this to my mind. You could say my conversion story isn't anything earth-shatter ing or out of the ordinary. But to me , it was miraculous, because it would have been easy for me to coast on the coatt ails of my parent's beliefs. I grew up in a very con servative Christian home. During my younger years, our family attended the lo cal Christian c ollege church, which was Mennonit e ( It was not the Amish Mennonite s, who live in su...