My Conversion Story

This week, I have been thinking about the approaching Thanksgiving season. This is a time when most of us think more deeply about  what we are thankful for in our lives. Since I've been listing my gifts from God every week for the past 2 years(last Friday was my blogiversary), this is nothing new for me. So, I decided to reminisce about some things I have been the most thankful for over the years and also share one of the things I'm most grateful salvation. A song I recently heard by Chris Tomlin especially brings this to my mind.
You could say my conversion story isn't anything earth-shattering or out of the ordinary. But to me, it was miraculous, because it would have been easy for me to coast on the coattails of my parent's beliefs. I grew up in a very conservative Christian home. During my younger years, our family attended the local Christian college church, which was Mennonite (It was not the Amish Mennonites, who live in surrounding areas of our little Midwestern town, but still a very conservative college and church). When I was in middle school, we switched churches...still going to a Mennonite, church, but even more conservative.(Many of the older women wore head coverings and dresses only.)

The summer between my freshman and sophomore year in high school, I worked 5 days a week, babysitting for my cousin's 2 small children. Every day, the children took an afternoon nap, which left time for me to have some free time to myself. At first, I actually would watch t.v., but the only thing on t.v. at that time of day were soap operas. I tried getting into watching them, but got bored pretty quickly. So I tried reading. One afternoon, I brought a Bible with me to read, more out of curiosity, than anything. I started reading and was drawn to read more

On one afternoon in particular, I really believe the Holy Spirit was working on my heart. As I sat at the dining room table, I bowed my head and said a prayer....asking the Lord to come into my heart. I made a commitment that day to do my best to commit all I did to Him alone. I was 15 at the time. A few months later, when I was 16, I was baptized at my church. Not to say I didn't falter many times after that. The year my hubby and I were engaged, I was making some unwise choices and recommitted my life to the Lord at a local revival service

One thing I have learned in my years as a believer is, once you ask God to be the Lord of your life, He doesn't let go of you! He has a way of showing you His presence in all you do and when you start to stray or make unwise decisions, the Holy Spirit is constantly there. working in your heart, to bring you back to living for Him again.

Life has had it's ups and down throughout my life, but I'm more sure of my salvation than I have ever been! 

God has been so very good and I am so thankful for His presence in my life! What is YOUR story?

10 random gifts I listed from my 1,000 Gifts list... 

62. Christmas lights – love to drive by houses with big light displays.
91. Really big snowflakes, lightly falling…as long as I can watch them through a window in a warm building.
152. 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"
171. Aging - Getting older is significantly superior to the alternative.
262. Insight and clarity -You know when you look back at something that has been bothering you and suddenly see it in a different light?
466. Each day I receive literally millions of love gifts from God. – Having daily food, shelter; When I snuggle into bed, hear a bird chirp, see a fluffy cloud.
692Memories – old photos, son’s school papers,family heirlooms.
760.  Drinking Orange Crush soda from a bottle.
787. Going to a graduation open house...being reminded how our kids grow up SO fast.
847. Freedom - "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:36
925.  Cool air after a rain storm.



  1. Thanks for sharing part of your story!! You are so right...once we give our lives to the Lord, He'll never let go! The Holy Spirit is always at work on our hearts even when we stray -- and I'm so thankful for that!!

    Blessings, Joan

    1. Absolutely, Joan! That just proves just how much He really loves us!!! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Thank you for sharing your conversion story with us here at "Tell Me a Story." Any born again experience is outstanding, even if there are no lighting and thunder bolts. A light turned on inside and that was it.

    1. So true, Hazel! It really did happen that way, too. The Holy Spirit was truly at work. Blessings to you!

  3. Christine,

    Nice to "see" you again. I'm hopping over from Ann's link up. Thank you for sharing your story of how you came to know and follow Jesus. Yes, he is so good at chasing us throughout life, huh?

    Have a good week, Christine,
    Jennifer Dougan

  4. Hi Ann,

    I loved reading your story. God is so good; who is always there by our side, waiting for us to turn to Him.

    God bless

    1. So glad you stopped by, Anita! And I'm SO thankful for His love and goodness!

  5. How truly blessed we are to have the Holy Spirit work in our hearts even when we stray, fail or fall to help us get back on the path... We truly serve an awesome God who has unconditional love for us! May you have a blessed week dear Ann!!! Natasha

    1. So true, Natasha! Thanks for stopping by! Blessings to you, also!

  6. Ann...thanks for stopping by Our Adventure with Boys! So nice to "meet" you here in your beautiful space.

  7. I wish I remember the first time I felt the Holy Spirit. I'm not sure I had a name for it then or knew what to call it. I was in church then, but didn't really understand everything that young. But I have to believe it was the Holy Spirit all those times.

  8. Thanks for sharing your beautiful story of how you came to the Lord.
    I love the 10 random gifts you listed, especially watching the snow fall, love that too! : )

  9. Thank you for sharing your story!! And I love your gratefulness gifts!

    Thanks for linking up with Woman to Woman's Word Filled Wednesday God bless.

  10. Thanks for sharing. I love to hear testimonies of how Jesus Saves! And how sweet to know that He never leaves nor forsakes us.

  11. There is a name given to the prelude before we become believers. My memory can't quite grope it, but its when the Holy Spirit is bringing us to a time of conversion. We slip and fall in our walk with him many times until finally we seem to get THE MESSAGE and remain more faithful...Then we think that we choose to BLOG, but rather, I believe again, its another prompting of the Spirit, because, we are being brought together as the Body of Christ. We are then connected from near and I am in Oz (Australia).. What a mighty God we serve. Blessings and love sent today.

  12. If the Lord had not broken into my life 47-1/2 years ago, I would have been dead a long time ago from alcoholism, violence, or suicide. A very rough childhood and an extremely difficult time in my late teens. God is a HUGE Blessing. And for much of this time I am serving Him anywhere, anytime.

    Something else you mentioned touched me, put me with you. For the last 7 years, my husband and I have been attending a church similar to what you described. We were surprised that the Lord put us there, but it's a mix of Mennonite and simply Word-based worshiping church. When you said Midwestern, I sure understood. Know some wonderful people. My husband is a worshiper [pianist] and facilities manager now. I am connected to wonderful new sisters. Anyhow, just wanted to let you know the blessings are spreading around and about in our present-day world. So, bless you.

  13. Rain storms and snow flakes in one week! I love it! I love what you said to - He doesn't let go! Thank you for sharing your conversion story - and your blessing list!


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