
Showing posts from December 22, 2013

Happy Holidays...Really?{Life Without Christ}

Hello, everyone. Today is my last in a serie s I've been w riting for the Christmas season. Today, I've had to dig deep, as my thoughts lately have been very scattered and writing hasn't come easily for me. ( Have you ever had that h appen?) One of my favorite Christmas movies is " It's A Wonderful Life" with J ames S tewart. I watch almost every year at this time. (I actually watched it last week. ) The thing that intri gues me the most about this movie is the question that is presented. "What w ould happen if you'd never been born ?"   Everyone who's ever watched th e movie knows that this was the wish that the main character, Ge orge Bailey, ma de and his guardian angel, Clarence, decided to let Ge orge see exactly how it would have been if he w eren't born. Ultimately , it reveals how great of an impact he made on everyone' s life around him . Not only did he cha nge other's lives for the good, but he also saved liv...