Ardent for the Lord!

I've never read the book, but the first time I watched the movie "Pride and Prejudice", I fell in love with it! There were many aspects of the movie that I loved, but the most outspoken theme throughout was the great emotional conflict and passion between the the characters.
I think of the part of the movie where Mr. Darcy finally can't hold it back any longer. After pursuing her throughout the movie, he tells Lizzy how he feels about her, no matter what his family or friends said, no matter what society told him, and even when she turned him down at first, ..but he didn't care. I like this brief summary of his ardent devotion. (I only ask for you to watch the first 50 seconds, especially if you've not seen it and don't want to spoil knowing the storyline..but if you're like me, you most likely will watch the whole scene.)

I think of my relationship with Jesus, my Lord and Savior! Oh, that I would hold nothing back, but passionately pursue Him without consideration of what others say or think. To desire to be devoted to Him and let nothing hold my heart and emotions back...
I long to know God. And God desires this connection as well.The longing in our souls can only be quenched by an intimate relationship with our Savior.

With enthusiasm, may we be ardent witnesses of the faith which we have received!  Make the loving face of the Saviour shine in every place, to show all who hear us proclaim our love for Him know truth, life, and hope in a difficult world!
Just as Mr. Darcy proclaimed, so let's proclaim to our God...

Those who are ardent in faith-

  • seem to show a burning faith - in itself a true and evident token of God's divine Presence ! For they truly know their Lord in the Breaking of Bread, whose hearts burn so ardently when Jesus walks with them. (Luke 24:32)
  • display such devotion and affection, such unfeigned love and fervor, to have a heartfelt desire of His love in sacred Communion, that faith may be strengthened, that hope in His goodness may be fostered and that love once perfectly kindled, having tasted the Bread of Heaven, may never fail.(source)
We in our souls all long for a personal, deep relationship. Who better to have one with, than the person that knows us best because He created us?
Continuing to give thanks, listing the many gifts from the Lord! Linking over at  "Multitude on Mondays".

1,621 - Bible verses that reminded me what it means to be ardent for the Lord...
  •  "For I wrote you out of great distress and anguish of heart and with many tears, not to grieve you but to let you know the depth of my love for you.2 Corinthians 2:4
  •  "What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops." Matt. 10:27
1,623 - Sierra Mist soft drink 
1,624 - Celebrating my father-in-law's 86th birthday. 
1,625 - Electric heating pads - for those backaches that won't go away! 
1,626 - Beautiful sunrises on a cold winter day!

1,627 - Youtube, where I can listen to music and watch some of my favorite Christian speakers. (Like Ravi Zacharias) 
1,628 - Attending my two granddaughters basketball games.(6th and 8th grades) 
1,629 - I know I share a lot of pictures of them, but I just adore my two canine companions!
Now, they are best friends
Taking a ride in the car.
My hubby, talking to Cheyenne
1,630 - Talking with my son tonight on the phone, even if it was just a brief conversation.      

Linking over to these blog hops:


  1. Great words and great pictures! I am so glad I stopped by today!

  2. This is amazing! I love how God can take the pleasures that we enjoy and learn something from Him. <3

    1. Yes! Me too, Lauren! It is amazing how He uses all we do and experience to grow in Him! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Ann,
    What a great see God through a classic like P & P...and your dogs are adorable :) Thank you for dropping by my blog and leaving your URL so I could visit you :)

    1. Thanks, Dolly! I really enjoyed reading your blog too and am now a follower! Have a blessed day!!

  4. Love Pride & Prejudice, and your dogs are too cute! Thank you for linking up with The Weekend Brew!

    1. Awww...thanks, Barbie! i appreciate you hosting your link-up, even when it can be difficult to know what to write sometimes! Blessings to you my friend.

  5. I loved that movie too and have seen it more than once. I am so glad that God does not give up on persueing us. Yes, we must willfully make our decision to follow Jesus, but the Holy Spirit keep wooing and calling.
    Thank you for sharing with us here at 'Tell Me a Story."


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