Bittersweet Days- Goodbye Summer. Hello Fall.

Been feeling quite melancholy for the past week. Not sure why...except maybe the change in our weather. It's definitely taken a nosedive lately...  
Or maybe it's just that I've noticed more lately how much of a hold Satan has on so many people in the world
I'm usually a more positive person, so I am shocked at the thought that that would be something that is oppressing me.  
So, first thing today, I dove back into God's Word and prayed for encouragement.

So, I continue to give thanks... Linking over at  "Multitude on Mondays".
1,493 - For emotional dryness, as it leads me back to God!
1,494 - A heart that aches for the unsaved.
1,495 - Beautiful Autumn sunsets
1,496 - The air is much cooler outside, but the sun is shining today!!
1,497- The reflection of sunlight on my livingroom wall, as I read Scripture and am encouraged.
1,498 - God's amazing creatures that walk, crawl, and swim...this turtle, found on in our lake.
1,499 - Birds of the air...this Kingfisher, resting on our boat.
1,500 - Maybe it's just that my soul is restless for the place where I belong!! I recently was blessed to hear this song by Phil Wickham and his words described my very thoughts.


  1. Hi
    I hope you share over at Sunday Stillness - beautiful thoughts. We had a lovely speaker at a conference on Saturday - Letting Go of the lies of Satan and Standing in the Truth. Only Satan could make you feel discouraged and down. So getting back into the Word will pull you up. Praying that right now you are feeling His Joy, His Peace and His Power,
    I would love the pictures of the turtles.
    Janis Author of Tadeo Turtle

    1. Hi, Janis! I am happy to share this post on your "Sunday Stillness" Blog hop...I had planned on sharing it on your Watcheful Wednesdays blog hop, so that's why I didn't link up earlier. You are also more than welcome to share/use for your art any of my photos, again, as long as you reference them back to my blog. So great to hear from you, my friend!

  2. Cute picture of the piggy-nosed turtle! I love God's wonderful and sometimes hilarious creatures! Here's to more peaceful and joyful moments to you. Stopping by from SDG.

    1. Thanks, Dionne! I am so amazed at God's creativity, as well! Blessings to you and thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment for me.

  3. So sorry that the blues have hit you...but you are so wise to jump into the Word when that happens! It always uplifts, doesn't it? Love your pictures, Ann! Thanks for sharing.

    Blessings, Joan

    1. Yes, I'm already feeling encouraged and blessed beyond measure! As always, glad to hear from you, Joan! Have a blessed week, my friend!

  4. Hi Ann,

    Nice to see you again. I'm hopping over from Ann's link up. Nice to count gifts with you, and enjoying that autumn sunset and that crazy turtle. Thank you for your honesty about the emotional dryness and the reminder to have that chase us to His heart. :) yes...

    Have a great week,
    Jennifer Dougan

    1. So glad you stopped by, Jennifer! Your words are always encouraging. I haven't been over to your blog yet, but will be over soon..just been very busy. May your week be awesome, too!

    2. Ann,

      What a helpful way to look at people, remembering that they may be fighting invisible battles inside. Thanks for that. :)


  5. Hi Ann! It was a good thing that you figured out what was dragging you down. How blessed that you went to Scripture to help you!

    Loved the nature photos. Nature always lifts me up...and takes me out of myself, thank goodness :)
    From SDG,


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