Another Week Almost Gone!

Another week is just speeding by! Here, it's almost Thursday and I have been trying to write a new post since Monday. Between working extra hours at my job and attending the grandkids' volleyball games and entertaining unexpected guests, it has definitely been a wild ride!! I still have several pictures I've been wanting to share here. Ones that I took a few weeks ago, while I was able to go out in the boat, fishing with my hubby. I haven't taken the time to add to my gratitude list either....which isn't a good thing. This is the second week in a row! Last week, I had the time, but my mind was backed up with so many swirling thoughts, I just couldn't write. I wanted to just take a break and get away. So, I did for a few days....maybe not away from home, but away from the daily grind. I knew this week was going to be a strenuous one, so I laid low.
I looked back at some of my pictures from my camera and the peace I felt on the day I took them came flooding back and I relaxed...
I am so thankful for peaceful, happy memories!! Yes!
I thought of something to add to my list....good memories!(#1,501)
All week, I've been working in a different department, doing some new tasks and working with some new co-workers I'd not worked with before. I work at my church, so it is a Christian environment. Every day I have gone into work, at least one of my co-workers have said "thanks, so much, for coming in, Ann." That wouldn't be unusual, if I was volunteering, but I'm getting paid to go to work. Yet, they all appreciate me being there!
Another 'thanks, Lord' is going up....for kind and friendly co-workers! (#1,502)
My hubby and I have been wanting to attend some of our grandchildren's sporting events. Our granddaughter is on the 6th grade volleyball team. Last week, we were ready to go, and then the game was cancelled. But, we got to go see her play this week! It was SO awesome! Not only did they win the game, but she scored a point with a spike over the net!! Of all the times we didn't get to go before, this time she did awesomely, and I got a great photo shot to prove it!! (I'll be sharing those pictures in a future post, I promise!)
So thankful for getting to watch my granddaughter play and win!!  (#1,503)
One evening this week, my hubby wanted to go out fishing, just for a short time, to see if the fish were biting. It was really a pretty evening, so I went with him. The fishing wasn't that great, but we just enjoyed being out in the boat. Before we knew it, it had gotten dark and we decided to go back to the house. We went to start the engine, though, and it was dead. We had motor issues in the past, but not after dark. We even had a back-up battery, but it was dead also. We prayed. Then Ken got an idea to put the two low batteries together and see if there was enough juice to start the engine. It was touch and go, but it worked. We were SO thankful for God getting us back to shore! (#1,503) It would have been a very long night for us, if we hadn't, as we would have had to float to shore and make the LONG walk around the lake, home.
A friend from church called me today. We get together now and then, just to chat and give emotional support to each other, as we have shared some similar hardships in our lives in the past. She was feeling alone and needed a friend to talk to and a shoulder to lean on. She wanted to come visit for awhile. I was tired. I worked all day and came home to a cluttered house. Should I say "no, not today. The house is a mess and I'm tired," or do I say, "Come over, friend, and let's talk. Don't mind the mess. I'm here for you." I chose the second and am so glad I did. She left refreshed and thankful for our friendship. 
I'm SO grateful for having an open heart and home, (#1,504) letting God comfort and encourage others through me! 
 Isaiah 55:12 “For you shall go out with joy, And be led out with peace..."
Acts 2:28 "You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.

How has your week been? Have you been able, in the daily grind of activites, to see how God has blessed you? What are you grateful for today?
Linking over to these blog hops:


  1. Such beautiful pictures!

    Thanks for linking up with Woman to Woman's Word Filled Wednesday! God bless!

    1. Thanks, Jenifer! Thanks for hosting! Blessings to you, also!

  2. I love watery pictures. Have taken MANY when in the Northwest or up at Lake Superior. Here in Omaha there hardly ain't nothin' anywhere nearby and I struggle with that a bit. Nice to hear how your life is. Oh, and my husband has become the facilities manager at our church for about 3 years, and even though he's paid, he's frequently appreciated so specifically by so many. It truly touches him, and I certainly understand how it touches you. Appreciation is a "good" thing...a GOD thing. Thank you...

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Caryjo! There definitely is something very peaceful about being near/on the water. I have come to appreciate this more and more, since moving to the lake. I agree that appreciation is a God thing! I wish more work environments incorporated that daily - (more than just holidays and work anniversaries)! I think employees would enjoy their jobs much more!

  3. Hi Ann, I'm right there with Caryjo - I love water pictures! Thank you for sharing them. I copied your verse from Isaiah at the bottom - "For you shall go out with joy, And be led out with peace..." In my last house, I changed a couple of words and had it on the wall in my kitchen just before the door to the garage - It was my reminder verse - I loved seeing it today! - Go out in joy, Lead forth in peace... Visiting back from

    1. Hello, Janet! So glad you enjoyed the pictures and verse!! Blessings to you today!!

  4. My husband and I were just yesterday watching the cloud formations as we drove home from a family dinner. The clouds keep changing shapes and colors, and are a covering to protect our earth and us. God is in the clouds of life too and he is ever there for us just as you were there for your lady friend when she needed you. Thank you for sharing with us here at "Tell Me a Story."

    1. I agree fully, Hazel! I've always been amazed how God is here for us, even when the clouds surround us! May you have a blessed week. Thanks for hosting!

  5. It is so good to keep that list going of where you see blessings. I've got one too--only on 237. Your list inspires me!

    1. It is truly good! I really struggled when I didn't keep the list going for a few weeks. Some days are like that, but keep at it! Blessings to you, friend!

  6. What restful photos, and a very peaceful post.
    Harvest Lane Cottage

  7. Wonderful pictures, Ann, and encouraging words for my heart today!

    Have a blessed Sunday!

    In His grip, Joan

  8. Those sporting events are so important. I never had my grandparents there when I was little, and boy do I covet those who take the time out for their children's childrens lives. Those moments....priceless! Hope you have had a great week! Blessings from UNITE! Jen


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