Do You Pray With Your Spouse?

“Couples who pray together, stay together”
 Study after study has shown that the old adage is true.
 Couples that pray together daily have a significantly lower divorce rate.
But, at least for me and my husband, this has been one of the most difficult things to do on a regular, daily basis.

I realize that much of this is due to our individual upbringings. My husband was raised in a very dysfunctional and less than Spirit-filled home. I very much doubt that there was ever family prayer, let alone, his parents praying together. The fact that he is willing to pray with me is a blessing! I grew up in a very structured Christian home. My mom was the spiritual leader, but I always felt that she longed for my father to take that role. He never did. 

Throughout our 26 years of marriage, I have attempted to start both family and couples prayer time at home. Usually it starts out awkwardly. Eventually, we just pray less and less together, till we completely stop altogether. I don't think it's ever intentional to totally stop praying, but the daily activites of life distracts us, we get discouraged, or we just forget. I will admit, on a few occasions, when I've been upset with my husband, that I have avoided praying with him. Those are the most difficult times for me to pray. 
Lately, though, we have been more diligent in making it a habit to pray before bed each night. We take turns, every other night, so each can get a little break from leading in prayer. Surprisingly and joyfully, there seemed to be a bit of a breakthrough the other night. The prayers seemed to flow more easily and we found ourselves talking on a more intimate level, following our prayer time. I'm not saying it's always going to go so easily, but it was refreshing to finally feel more at ease, for once. It made it worth all of the effort we have put into committing to praying as much as possible on a regular basis.
Benefits of praying together:

- Prayer Promotes Unity

-  Prayer Promotes Emotional Intimacy 

- Prayer Invites God Into Your Relationship 

- Prayer improves relationships

source: Focus on the Family
Below are some articles/posts and materials that may benefit anyone who desires to improve their prayer life as a couple.
 The Alabaster Jar
 Blog post by Jolene Engle, "Why I Used to Hate Praying With My Husband"

This and several other books on prayer for married couples are available. Go Here for more information.

Go HERE for ideas, as you start to pray with your spouse.
  photo prayer_zps2b3e26d0.jpg

HERE is an article to read, if you have a spouse that refuses to pray with you.

Do you pray with your spouse?
Why or why not? I would love to hear back from you! 
Just leave a comment at the bottom of this post.


  1. Great post! You are so is so important to pray with your spouse! Though it isn't always easy, the benefits are well worth the "effort". My husband and I do pray together and for each other. We even call each other during the day with prayer requests! All of that has added to a more intimate and stronger relationship!

    Blessings, Joan

    1. Amen! What a blessing to have that openness to pray for and with one another!

  2. Hi Ann! It is just a beautiful thing to pray as a couple, isn't it? And I love that you keep trying with your couples groups. Don't give up, I am sure that you are an inspiration to others.

    I am happy to 'join' your blog!

    Peace in Christ,

    1. I am committed to sticking to it this time, Ceil. Thanks for your encouragement and support, and for joining. I look forward to hearing more from you down the road.

  3. Thank you for all the links, and for bringing up this important theme ~ Couples who pray together, stay together!

  4. Thank you for this. I recently thought about how we should pray together, but praying out loud makes me uncomfortable. Even with small children I hate to pray outloud, unless it is a rote prayer (Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, etc). I think it is linked to my fear of public speaking. I think I will talk to my husband about it.

    1. Oh, I'm praying that this encourages both you and your husband, Rachel! I totally "get" feeling uncomfortable praying out loud. It does get easier with practice and time! I suggest starting by praying out loud by yourself first. It does take commitment and determination, too! Don't be discouraged if you miss several days. Be determined that you can start again!!

  5. My husband and I try to make time to pray together. I can't say it happens every day. It's so important though! Blessings!

  6. I wanted to let you know that I featured this post as one of my "Friday Favorites". You can see it at

  7. Great post! My husband and I are slowly getting better at this. It's so great to know that it's not always easy for everyone but we all keep trying. I know we will be blessed by it. Thanks for sharing! I'm a new follower...:)


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