Have you ever felt at times like, metaphorically, the vultures are hovering overhead, just waiting for you to give up and doubt God?

I'll have to admit, I have had many moments like that, especially lately! I find myself overwhelmed and worrying about things I know I can't do anything about, yet can't get them out of my head!

My hubby and I were out on the lake this past weekend to have one of the very few fishing outings we may have the opportunity to go on this year, as winter weather threatens to cut our cool fall days short. We noticed, in particularly the birds on our outing. There were the always identifiable Coots that migrate here every fall and stay till the lake freezes. These little black-bodied, white beaked birds feed on the fish in large groupings and are pretty harmless.
We noticed that they were splashing around some and couldn't figure out why.
Then, we looked up. At first, we only saw faint images of some birds soaring way above us.
As we looked more closely, we realized they were turkey vultures,  gliding slowly  and circling above us. Were they waiting for a bird to die or did they see something(that we didn't) that was already dead? We never figured out why they were up there, but it gave both me and my hubby such an eerie feeling.   
 Later, I read an old devotional, written by one of my favorite evangelists, David Wilkerson.
In Genesis 15, God made a glorious agreement with Abraham. He instructed the patriarch to take a female heifer and a female goat and cut them in two. Then Abraham was to take a turtledove and a pigeon and lay them on the ground, head to head. Abraham did as he was instructed, and as these creatures lay bleeding, vultures began to descend on the carcasses. Suddenly, Abraham felt a terrible darkness surrounding him. What was this darkness? It was Satan in a panic.
How do you think Satan reacts when he sees all the promises of God becoming yours, as you give your life to Jesus? The devil goes into a jealous rage. Then when he sees your firm resolve to go all the way with the Lord, there is only one way for him to react: all of hell goes into a panic!
What did Abraham do when the vultures came? Scripture says he chased them away. Likewise, the Lord has shown us a way to deal with menacing vultures. We don’t have to be afraid of the devil’s attacks, because we have been given mighty weapons of warfare.
Whenever any voice of doubt or questioning of God comes into my mind, I have to line it up against what I know about my loving Lord. I can’t accept any thoughts as true if they are based on simply what I am feeling in the moment. They have to be measured against Jesus’ promises to me about himself and about the victory he has won for me.
Simply put, if thoughts come to me that are accusing—if they cause doubt and fear, or are condemning, or bring a sense of rejection—I know they are not of God. We all have to be prepared for such horrible thoughts to come. Even the Lord Jesus was subject to these kinds of thoughts from the enemy during his wilderness temptation.

When vultures come at you, bringing thoughts of unworthiness and insecurity, chase them away with God’s Word. The sacrifice that the Lord has led you to make is pleasing to him, and he will honor it.

Today, I had to do some "vulture chasing". It wasn't easy, for I could feel them circling me and my defenses were down because I wasn't feeling well today and they knew it! I had to go to the Word of God and dwell in His promises. Slowly, they gave up and started to leave. I think, just like the vultures on the lake, they were ready and waiting for me to fail and give up. I found these awesome verses over at Rachel Wojnarowski's blog...

  • From the end of the earth I will cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61:2 
  • When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, Then You knew my path. In the way in which I walk They have secretly set a snare for me. Psalm 142:6 
  • Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. Isaiah 40:28 
  • But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.       Isaiah 40:31 
  • Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. John 14:1 
  • There is none holy like the LORD: Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. For there is none besides you; there is no rock like our God. I Samuel 2:2 
  • The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. Psalm 28:7 
  • Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act. Psalm 37:5
  • The steps of a man are established by the LORD, when he delights in his way;Psalm 37:23 
  • Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Eph. 6:2
As we started to leave, after watching the birds awhile, I noticed there was one solitary white seagull flying around the vultures. I'm not sure if he was with them or trying to scare them off, but he was constant and never left. I wanted to believe he was there protecting the Coots. Maybe, maybe not, but it made me think that that is how God is....when we read His Word and seek Him in prayer, He hovers over us with His protection and keeps us safe from the vultures of this world. 
Continuing to give thanks, listing the many gifts from the Lord all week long...  Linking over at  "Multitude on Mondays". 
1,526 - Time for fellowship with a friend. 
1,527 - Praying on behalf of my son, who is the source of many of my worries.
1,528 - A quiet weekend at home, with my hubby.
1,529 - Not catching any fish, but instead, having a lesson through observing the birds on our lake.
1,530 - God's protection, when the vultures are circling and hovering over me.
1,531 - Powerful Scripture!
1,532 - A wonderful prayer I also found over at Rachel Wojnarwski's blog site.
Photo: And so I preach to myself once again...


  1. What a beautiful thought about the seagull representing God as we call Him in through His word. He rescues us from the vultures. Great post.

    1. Thanks, Janis. So glad you enjoyed reading here The thought of God, like the seagull, has been a comfort to me, also!! Have a wonderful week!

  2. Wow, Ann! This was perfect for me tonight. I couldn't sleep, full of worry and unrest, and came out to the living room to read. Thank you for sharing your experience on the lake, and for giving the great reminder that we can trust God for His promises! The example of what Abraham went through when offering His sacrifice to God, and how the enemy didn't like that, makes so much sense. What a relief that God is our protector, watching over us! Earlier this evening I was meditating on Ephesians 6:10-17 (the battle and the armor of God). I'm putting it all on! Blessings, Joan

    1. God's timing is so perfect, isn't it? I felt this message was going to touch others in cyberspace. as it did me! Ephesians is so awesomely appropriate, too!!! We are fighting a spiritual battle that only through the Lord, can we overcome!!! Hope you find His peace and rest in Him this week, my friend!!

  3. This post really struck me as the other day I was looking out our window. I witnessed a hawk swoop & catch a bluejay. The bluejay was feeding at our feeder & never suspected what was about to occur. Neither did I. I am so grateful that our God protects us. I am visiting from Unite this morning.

    1. Wow, that would have been an eye-opening sight to see!! Without the Lord's power and protection, we are as helpless as that bluejay...but through Christ, we have overcome!!!! Thanks for sharing this! Praying you have a blessed week.

  4. Praise the Lord for His constant protection. I needed to hear this... Such a great word of encouragement! Many blessings to you dear Ann. xxxxxx

    1. I'm so glad you were encouraged, Natasha!! The Scriptures declare over and over of His love and protection of His children!! What a comfort that is!!! May He walk with your throughout your day, sister in Christ, and bless you immensely!!

  5. Thank you for your beautiful reminder Here at "Tell me a Story," - - to chase away the vultures that hover waiting for us to give up. Stand firm and take the Name of Jesus BOLDLY with us when we are sad or worried. He send that white dove of peace to bring us comfort and the desire to carry on!

    1. Amen! God is our strength and our peace!! Blessings to you, Hazel!

  6. Thank you so much for this touching and encouraging post. We all need to be reminded by God's words when the going gets tough and in good times. Dropping by from Tell me a story. My entry: home again: from

    1. Thank you also, Joy, for stopping over! I will definitely check your blog out, as well. Have a blessed week.

  7. Ann, thank you for visiting my blog today, and leaving such a nice comment. I am so glad that you directed me to this post of yours. Wow, I have been greatly encouraged! Yes, been doing battle with the circling vultures lately, and they are pesky predators. The enemy is persistent in his attacks.

    But, when we turn to the Lord and hold on tight, no matter what the circumstances are, no matter how we're feeling - enemy lines fall down.

    I have always equated seeing a hawk with the Lord's presence. Up here in the mountains, I often see one flying overheard. I always smile and wave hello - and remember that the sure Presence of the Lord is with me, all the time.

    Thank you for once again reminding me of this tonight!


    1. Sharon, so glad you stopping in and were blessed. You are such a blessing, as well!! We usually have a Bald Eagle flying around our lake and I'm reminded of the same thing. (He's not be seen lately, maybe he is preparing for winter.)

  8. Beautiful post! Love the images of the coots, vultures and seagull. As I was reading this post, I felt as you did- the vultures swoop into our lives so easily and attack each one of our vulnerabilities but then the one, lone seagull circles overhead and somehow we know that we are protected. I knew as soon as you referenced the seagull that it was our Lord who is always with us, standing by our side and shooing away the vultures in our life if we just turn to Him and say "yes". Have a beautiful weekend!

  9. I left you a beautiful comment and for some reason it didn't post. Please know I enjoyed your blog and the images of the vultures, coots and seagull. It spoke into my heart. Blessings for a beautiful weekend!

    1. Hi, Mary. I have it set so comments have to be approved after 2 days from the day I post. (I've had to do this because I was receiving so much spam.) Anyways, I did get your sweet post!! So happy you enjoyed what I wrote. May our Savior bless you richly!!

  10. Hello Ann...I am so glad I clicked your link this morning. JUST what I needed to read right now as obsessive thoughts and worries seem to be crowding out my peace. Bless you for seeing this story in His winged creatures...Thanks.

  11. Visiting from Tell me a True Story. Again, thanks.
    Sheila at Longings End


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