You Will Go Out and Leap...

Well, it's mid-week and I just cannot comprehend where the days go! Maybe it's just the older I get, the faster time seems to speed by. Maybe it's just that my life is so full that I don't have time to think about where the time goes. The weekend was definitely a full one.

The Sun of Righteousness will rise withhealing in his wings for you people who fear my name. You will go out and leap like calves let out of a stall.— Malachi 4:2 —

This verse just jumped out at me (literally!)

I'm personally not a very good dancer, but I was thinking about the different ways we worship the Lord. This past Friday I saw  a lot of dancing(and leaping) and felt like dancing, too. I went to a Chris Tomlin concert. If you have been to one, you know what I'm talking about. If you have never been, you are truly missing out on something totally, wonderfully Spirit-filled! 

 Sure, there was music and singing, too. Some beautiful worship music by a very gifted singer/songwriter! But, the dancing took the cake for me!

The problem was, we got to the concert late and had to sit(or really, stand) in the balcony...not the sturdiest place to be jumping and dancing. I also have a bad knee that tends to go out from under me, so I'm a bit leery about jumping too high. But, I couldn't help myself, but get into the worship and praise atmosphere that was taking place down on the main floor. 

 I think about how we will rejoice and praise God in heaven one day and I believe dancing will be a big part of giving God praise! Watching those who danced and singing along with the music reminded me of just how that will be in heaven!

Lots and lots of leaping, dancing, and rejoicing!!!

 I got part of the concert on video.
To see that video, go to my Facebook page HERE

I also continue to give thanks, listing the many gifts from the Lord all week long...  
Linking over at  "Multitude on Mondays".  
1,518 - A safe trip to the concert and back home, at 3:00 a.m.
1,519 - Getting to see Chris Tomlin, again (this was the 4th time for me!)
1,520 - Music! Especially, worship music!
1,521 - Getting to go visit our son in Bloomington, IN, even though it was a short visit.
1,522 - Praying and trusting God to provide for and bless our son, as he pursues trying to get into the prestigious music program, Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University.
1,523 - My brother, who recently got to retire from our hometown fire department. Last year at this time he was very, very sick. Still not 100 percent better, but they let him retire early because of his illness.
1,524 - Spending a day with my mom, shopping and having lunch.
1,525 - Our first snowfall of the season, very brief and unsubstantial, but all the same, SNOW!!



  1. Hi Ann,

    Visiting from Word Filled Wednesday. Oh I know that joy within when you just want to sing and dance for our Lord. I am reminded of this verse -

    'Those who sing and those who dance will say together, “All my fountains of joy are in You.” ' Psalm 87:7 The Voice


  2. I love going to Christian concerts and seeing thousands of people praising God!!!

    Thanks for linking up with Woman to Woman's Word Filled Wednesday! God bless!

    1. I know, Jenifer! It's uplifting and takes one to a new level of worship! Thanks for coming by!

  3. So fun! I love Chris Tomlin!! Way to be adventurous and just get all caught up in Jesus!

    1. It's so easy, at his concerts especially! I know why he stays so skinny!!! :) That man can dance like craycray!!! And his voice never wears out! Thanks for hosting over at your blog!

  4. It sounds like a fantastic weekend! I loved watching your video -- what fun! Now, who was that angel I heard singing along with the music?? lol There is no better thing than to be worshiping the Lord! So glad you got this fantastic opportunity to see Chris Tomlin...and your son!

    Love, Joan

    1. LOL, Joan! Could you tell maybe I was getting into it? It was a very activity packed weekend!!

  5. I love to dance, and can't in the world very often any more, even when rejoicing in church, b/c I need to keep a cane with me, BUT when I'm in heaven I'll be dancing and dancing and worshiping more and more again and again. And I think of so many who are paralyzed or not able to dance b/c of something significantly physical. And then ETERNITY will turn it around forever.


    1. Amen! Isn't that an awesome thing for all believers, Caryjo!? I think of my dad who was wheelchair bound the last few years of his life....but in heaven he is dancing!!! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. What a wonderful experience to be in the presence of the Lord with all the dancing going on! Your post reminded me of a time we were encouraged too do a Holy Jump as unto the Lord. I will post a story about that soon. Thank you for sharing with us here at "Tell Me a Story."

    1. How unique, Hazel With my bum knee, I don't think I would have much of a Holy Jump, but maybe a hop! LOL!! Thanks for hosting your blog party!

  7. I could certainly feel your joy as you described your concert experience. I also have been to three Chris Tomlin concerts and each time I leave knowing that God's presence was surely felt by all. Coming over to you today from Soli Deo Gloria Party. Blessings!

    1. They are awesome concerts!! What a blessing! Thanks for stopping in!

  8. We saw Chris Tomlin too a few months back. Amazing, more like a powerful worship experience, huh!? :) UNITED, Jen

  9. I finally had a chance to hop over here to check out your blog. I am SO glad I did. Today, we were travelling home from out of state, and we stopped at an Arby's to eat. I was so excited that they were playing Christian music!!! I sat there drinking it in like a thirsty sponge, and soon Chris Tomlin's "Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone" came on. I could hardly keep my hands down at my sides! I wanted to stand up..right there...and WORSHIP my precious Lord and raise my hands Heavenward!!! Instead, I settled for streaming tears and a heart full of worship to Him. I went up and thanked the manager for allowing Christian music to be played. I was amazed when I got home and read your post and found it to be about none other than Chris Tomlin!!! Praise our wonderful Lord! Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving encouragement behind. So glad we "met" Love, Cheryl


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