Where Are You From, Friend?

That was a question presented by writer Ann Voskamp in one of her posts recently. but only after writing about herself, first. She is such an intriguing and descriptive writer, that I highly recommend you first read what she wrote about herself HERE...then continue to follow her blog. You won't be sorry!!

I decided it would be fun to share a little about where I am from, also.
  • I am from flat cornfields and soybean covered acres of land that go on forever!
  • I am from the county with 100 lakes, of lazy summer days fishing and tubing and skiing! 
  • I am from hot, hammock resting, book reading summer afternoons.
  • I am from the orthopedic capital of the world - 3 major companies are located in my town.
  • I am from a small Christian college town (Grace College) of which I attended myself.
  • I am from cold, gloomy Winters and windy, cool Springtimes
  • I am from colorful maple-leafed trees in Autumn and fresh maple syrup in the Spring. 
  • I am from long walks along wooded trails and growing flowers and vegetables in the garden.
  • I am from tired bodies, after a full day at the factory and taking a late afternoon nap, with TV blaring!
  • I am from close-knit family, Sunday church together, and lunch afterwards together.
  • I am from movie nights and date nights, of going to the mall shopping and checking out the local antique/consignment shops.
  • I am from backyard barbeques and bonfires, marshmallow roasts, and listening to the strum of the guitar.
  • I am from sad days, separated from family who live far away, who are emotionally far from us, and who are far away and waiting to meet with us one day in heaven!
  • I am from distant Canadian roots and small town homelife. 
  • I am from ladies Bible Study and disaster relief short-term mission teams-to Alabama, Honduras, Haiti, and recently southern Indiana....tornadoes!!!
  • Oh, yes....I'm from tornado alley! (sirens in town warn us of any approaching tornados so we can find shelter below ground)
  • I am from a loving, caring God, who no matter what life brings, takes me by the hand and leads me on the path, so I won't stumble and fall. In each season, He causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.(Romans 8:28)
Feel free to share where you are from either by writing in the comment section or leaving a link to your blog post, if you share about yourself there.


  1. The last picture caught me Whereabouts are you from in Canada? That looks like my backyard in Haliburton, Ontario, Canada.
    We winter in Arizona but are soon heading back to the lakes, the trees (and maybe some snow..!!)

    1. Sorry, Janis, my father's side of my family are from the Montreal area. But, I was born and raised in Indiana and have lived here all my life. All the photos were taken in Indiana. How interesting, though, that you have similar surroundings. I would love to visit Ontario someday!

  2. I have been enjoying my visit on your blog. I love Ann VosKamp's writing.Thanks so much for sharing.

  3. This is a special way to introduce from where you come. Very original, drawing me along right on through.
    I, too, follow Ann Voskamp and have loved her wisdom and beautifully worded posts and books.
    This gal calls herself a Navy child and comes from the Navy, the United States, although I was actually born in San Diego, CA in Balboa Naval Hospital. I have lived in several places in CA and then Virginia, Washington, DC, Oregon, and now Portland, Texas. My feet have not been planted nor rooted until now because I am married to a wonderful man who built our home. So this is where I am rooted for now. : )

    1. Thanks for sharing some things about "where you are from"! Moving around would have had it's challenges, but it also must have been interesting to meet new people and see new things. How cool that your hubby built your home! I could see how that would help in the decision to stay rooted there (for now).


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