
Showing posts from 2013

A Year of Blessings

Hours away from another year and all I can think of writing about is all the blessings the Lord has provided in the past year.  (I 'm a little frustrated, though. I wrote half of this post , lost it, and had to start fr om scratch again. So, I'm cutting the length of it back quit e a bit , as I've spent a lot of time on it already.) Since I havn't added to my gr atitude list in quite a w hile, I decided to write so me things over the last couple of weeks that I'm g rateful for , as well as some favorite pictures and what I'm thankful for in 2013.   1,561 - Being with family for Christmas. 1,562 - Bingo game gift exchange...a family tradition. 1, 56 3 -  Bringing in another year with my hubby. 1, 56 4 -   Being able to en joy eve rything that goes with living on the lake. 1 ,565 -  The last of the Coot s on the lake, right before it froze completely over.   1 ,56 6 - Watching the lake start to f reeze, as leaves blow ove...

Happy Holidays...Really?{Life Without Christ}

Hello, everyone. Today is my last in a serie s I've been w riting for the Christmas season. Today, I've had to dig deep, as my thoughts lately have been very scattered and writing hasn't come easily for me. ( Have you ever had that h appen?) One of my favorite Christmas movies is " It's A Wonderful Life" with J ames S tewart. I watch almost every year at this time. (I actually watched it last week. ) The thing that intri gues me the most about this movie is the question that is presented. "What w ould happen if you'd never been born ?"   Everyone who's ever watched th e movie knows that this was the wish that the main character, Ge orge Bailey, ma de and his guardian angel, Clarence, decided to let Ge orge see exactly how it would have been if he w eren't born. Ultimately , it reveals how great of an impact he made on everyone' s life around him . Not only did he cha nge other's lives for the good, but he also saved liv...

Happy Holidays....Really? {Called To Missions}

Have you ever felt unsure or wary when you think God may be  calling you to do something that you hadn't anticipated? (Especially if it's something that may be risky or outside of your comfort zone.)  - I want to tell you what God has been doing in my life and my heart! (Bear with me, as this is a bit lengthy , but SO worth reading to the end!) For over a year, I have been working as a part-time rec eptionist in my c hurch's counseling program . Brochure       I have loved working there, so it never occur red to me to consider looking at a di fferent position .   A nd, of course, I was a bit taken aback when, about 4 months ago, one of the pastors of another of my church's programs came to me to see if I would like to take a new position that was opening up , saying that he thought that I would be the perfect match for the position .  I can't lie . I hesitated. I love what I'm doing now and the new position requires more ho...