Happy Holidays....Really? {Called To Missions}

Have you ever felt unsure or wary when you think God may be  calling you to do something that you hadn't anticipated? (Especially if it's something that may be risky or outside of your comfort zone.)  - I want to tell you what God has been doing in my life and my heart! (Bear with me, as this is a bit lengthy, but SO worth reading to the end!)

For over a year, I have been working as a part-time receptionist in my church's counseling program.
I have loved working there, so it never occurred to me to consider looking at a different position.  And, of course, I was a bit taken aback when, about 4 months ago, one of the pastors of another of my church's programs came to me to see if I would like to take a new position that was opening up, saying that he thought that I would be the perfect match for the position

I can't lie. I hesitated. I love what I'm doing now and the new position requires more hours, more responsibility, and possibly some challenging situations. I prayed about it and just wasn't up to the idea of change in my life at the time. That's what I initially told him, too. So he started advertising through the church bulletin and internet that there was an opening, but asked me to keep praying about it. I said I would, but couldn't imagine changing my mind. 

A few weeks later, he came to me again and asked what it would take for me to reconsider. I said, "Less hours and I still want to work a few days at my receptionist job that I am doing now." He said he would work on trying to work it into the position. I thought, "Wow, he really wants me to do this job." Ultimately, though he just couldn't financially see changing the position to have less hours. So we both concluded, once again, that this wasn't to be. 

A few months went by. A handful of people applied and interviewed for the position.  Still, the pastor did not feel like any of the applicants were right for the job. In the meantime, another gal I work with had been filling in here and there to get part of the job covered as best she could. (She didn't want the job, as she works full time in the counseling center). During this time, I felt bad that nobody had been hired into the position, but had still felt like I could not take on all the extra hours. I struggled with the thought that maybe God WAS calling me to take the job and had actually thought about taking the job a time or two. Ultimately, I did my best to ignore that thought, when it came to me.

A few weeks ago, I was working at my reception job, when the same pastor approached me, for the third time, about the job. He still felt like I was the best candidate for the job (which kind of blew me away.) This time, though, he said he had been thinking that maybe I could still do my reception job and part of the new job, while my co-worker continued to do the part of the job that she had been doing. That was a BIG "maybe", as we didn't even know if she would be willing to go along with it. I felt like God must be in this somehow though, since I had also recently had the thought about taking the job. So, I prayed about it and talked with my hubby, while the pastor talked to my co-worker and counseling program director.  Unbelievably, everyone was open to it. The next thing that needed to be o.k.'d was the funding to have us both do part of the job. That was approved this past week. So, I will officially be changing some of my job description and a few more hours added, come the first of the year. (This also means I will most likely be cutting back on how often I will post on my blogs.)

Here is a description of what our church's "Community Care" Program, that I'll be working in, offers.

Often the road of life turns when we least expect it. These curves can leave us feeling frustrated, confused, overwhelmed, and unsure. We often don’t know who to call to help us figure how to put our lives back on the right path.
Warsaw Community Church has organized the Community Care Ministry for times such as these. The Community Care Ministry is made up of individuals and teams who desire to be there with you for life’s many problems and help you through the tough times — whatever they may be!
Some ways we help:
• Prayer Support
• Support during Hospital Stays

Personal Hospital Visits
— Assisting with Meals 
— Running Errands
— Cleaning House
• Homebound or Nursing Home Care Assistance
• Grief Support
• Minor Home Repairs & Maintenance
• Minor Auto Repairs
• Personal, Marital and Family Counseling
• Financial Counseling

My job description as  Community Care Co-Administrator - Co-Coordinate(with my co-worker) the support, service and administrative efforts of the Community Care ministry. 
  • Direct the flow of information from the church body and community into the Warsaw Community Church Community Care ministry and coordinate the response from Community Care.
  • Assist to the Pastors/Directors, including providing support and service to maximize the effectiveness of this ministry area and the overall organization to pursue the mission and vision of Warsaw Community Church.
 Essential Functions:
1)   Make a weekly church prayer list/letter
2)   Care Fund management 
3)   Computer Database management 
4)   Receiving calls and information from congregation and community and relaying to proper staff
5) Leading Helping Hearts church community volunteer teams
6) Maintain process for documenting all Community Care activity
7) Assist in verbal communications (i.e. follow-up calls, team leader contact, etc.)
8) Assist in written communications needs
9) Oversee and manage all resource and supply needs
10) Other assistance as requested through the Community Care ministry
Our church also has been partnering with our local homeless shelter that is in the process of expanding and remodeling a building for the homeless to live in!

From their website....
"Fellowship Missions Homeless Shelters were created to meet the needs of people in our community through sharing the love and hope of Jesus Christ. It is our heart’s desire to give individuals a safe and loving place and to help them achieve a better way for themselves and their families."
  • What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. — James 2:14-17, NLT
Here is also a video that the shelter made, showing how God is doing great things through the caring hearts of our community, church family, and believers! If you watch it, I'm sure it will touch your heart, as it has mine!

What a unique path God has led me down, not just over the past several months, but throughout my life.  The one thing that keeps running through my thoughts and in my heart is how He has shown me that no matter what I do, I am called to missions, to help those who are in need and to show them the love of Christ. I'm very excited, but also nervous about this new responsibility I will have. 
But I know the Lord led me to it
so He will lead me through it!!

Often, at Christmastime, the needs of the less fortunate and downhearted is great. What a wonderful opportunity we have to love, encourage, and serve others in our community. And every community has at least a few programs that works to serve those in need, whether it's through the Salvation Army, a local homeless shelter, local churches, or other programs. I encourage all of us to get involved or contribute to at least one of them, even if it's just a little. If the Lord has been tugging at your heart or in special circumstances, like He has recently with mine, I hope you will open your heart, pray, and ask Him to help you see if He wants you to respond. It's not always easy. Sometimes we have to step out of the box and get our hands a little dirty. But I do believe, when we answer God's calling, we will receive peace and joy in our lives.

I love our church's motto:
"Let's "be the church," as we reach out to those in our community who are encountering tough times."

We often think being called to missions means going to another country and adjusting to a new culture. I believe that we can serve others right where we are. As believers, God calls all of us to "missions"...to offer what we can (our finances, our time, and most importantly, our hearts) and live graciously!

Linking over to these blog hops:
Faith Filled Friday (Missional Women)


  1. I'm so excited for you, Ann! What a blessing to be able to serve in that way. I like your quote, "If God leads you to it, He'll lead you through it." You can count on that! Congratulations to you! I'm looking forward to hearing how the job goes!

    Blessings, Joan

    1. Thanks, Joan! I am also excited to see how God is going to use me...as I realize more than ever how only through Him alone can this new step in my life be productive! I give Him all the glory! I will keep you posted!! God bless!

  2. How exciting! I love how God just worked this all out.

    1. God is truly good!! Thanks for stopping by, Barbie!!

  3. God is definitely in this move and you will be great in this position. God will give you the energy and strength and fortitude to bring assistance where needed. You may need to eventually consider giving up the reception job as you will be overloaded with both :-) ♥

  4. Thank you for sharing with us here at "Tell Me a Story." What a blessing you are to your church and to your community (and to the Lord)

  5. I hope you-all had a very Merry Christmas and will have a very happy, happy, happy New Year!


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