
Showing posts from July, 2014

God's Promises and the Mystery of His Providence

Do you, like me, find the purpose of God's promises, providence, and our prayers to be PERPLEXING?  (If you read this out loud, you may want to cover your mouth...with all these "P's". We don't want anyone spitting.- LOL) Often, questions start bombarding my mind, left and right...questions, like - If God is sovereign and His plans fixed, why pray?  - Does prayer change what God has purposed to do? - If not, what is the point in praying? -On the other hand, if  prayer has any effect on what happens, then wouldn't it seem that God’s   plans are not fixed? "The Bible presents a real and mysterious tension between the free decisions of angels and human beings and God’s overall purposes....or providence." First, let's define providence: Providence  is the act of seeing and providing or preparing for the future. Biblically, it refers to God’s foresight and power to watch over and protect and provide for His crea...

Honey for the Heart: Joy In the Shadow

Well, so far, it's been one of "those" weeks . Work has been stressful and I've been feeling quite melancholy. Time seems to have gone by, without me feeling like I've accomplished a whole lot. I had intentions of having another post ready for my blog by Tuesday, but that came and went. I think I'm having one of those "writers blocks" that bloggers often talk about. So, I thought that it would be nice to post another "Honey for the Heart"....because honey is soothing and sweet. Sometimes that's what we need in our lives, especially when life gets tough.  So, won't you try some honey for your heart? ...where I share different verses from the Psalms!   May you find truths about God, yourselves, and living life in the images and word pictures shared here!  link I love Psalm 63:7! The image of being in the shadow of His wings is so comforting. It also gives me reason to keep singing for joy , for I know He prote...

God's Promises - Let Hope Rise

As Christians, our lives are built around promise... promise of:   - salvation  - eternal life  - heaven  - forgiveness and the list goes on... In everything, I have learned that -  Our God of Promise "For by these He has granted to us  His precious and magnificent promises , so that by them you may become partakers of  the D ivine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world ..." 2 Peter 1:4 What is  Divine Promise ? An assurance given by God that He will or will not perform a certain act. God has made 2 kinds of promises:  1 .     Conditional (when He's willing to do something under  certain circumstances - Romans 10:9-10)  and  2.     Unconditional. (Genesis 12:1- there many unconditional promises in the Bible) God’s Precious Promises How wonderful it is that in these unsettled times we have a promise that is far mor...