God's Promises and the Mystery of His Providence
Do you, like me, find the purpose of God's promises, providence, and our prayers to be PERPLEXING? (If you read this out loud, you may want to cover your mouth...with all these "P's". We don't want anyone spitting.- LOL) Often, questions start bombarding my mind, left and right...questions, like - If God is sovereign and His plans fixed, why pray? - Does prayer change what God has purposed to do? - If not, what is the point in praying? -On the other hand, if prayer has any effect on what happens, then wouldn't it seem that God’s plans are not fixed? "The Bible presents a real and mysterious tension between the free decisions of angels and human beings and God’s overall purposes....or providence." First, let's define providence: Providence is the act of seeing and providing or preparing for the future. Biblically, it refers to God’s foresight and power to watch over and protect and provide for His crea...